Delicious food tip: celeriac

Image via Wikipedia

Susan’s a member of a local CSA farm, and she often picks up celeriac, which I’d never had until a month or so ago. Celeriac is the root of a particular kind of celery plant. It looks like a very large gnurled potato, but it has almost no starch content so it’s perfect for diabetics. You can prepare it much like you would prepare mashed potatoes, or you can dice it and steam, boil. or stirfry it and serve it as a side vegetable with your dinner. It’s great! It has a very mild celery taste, it’s versatile, and when you can find it it’s dirt cheap. Definitely worth trying if you’re looking to add some healthy variety to your diet.

0 thoughts on “Delicious food tip: celeriac

  1. Nick S. says:

    Thanks for the tip, I’ll give that stuff a try if I can find it, even though that picture you posted looks like the rat meat from Morrowind.


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